솔직히 쓰레기통이 고객 만족을 높여줄지 아무도 기대하지 않았습니다. 스마트 태양광 압축 쓰레기통으로 저희 고객은 이제 쇼핑에 집중하며 더 쾌적한 백화점 분위기의 쇼핑을 즐길 수 있게 되었습니다. 우리는 영업시간 중 고객들에게 최대한 불편함을 주지 않기를 원했고 20개 이상의 클린큐브 설치 후 영업시간 중 전혀 쓰레기 수거를 하지 않아도 되게 되었습니다. 바로 우리가 찾던 것이죠.

CleanCUBE is a solar-powered trash compactor which can hold up to 5 times more waste compared to non-compacting bins, reducing collection frequency by up to 80%. It is compatible with standard 120L and 240L wheelie bins for easy and safe trash removal, and it also communicates information it collects in real time through wireless transmission to CleanCityNetworks, our cloud-based monitoring and data analytics platform. CleanCUBE can be equipped with various optional features such as graphic wraps and a WiFi router.
Please request a quote for exact details on pricing.
500 x 550 x 1200 mm
Customized inner bin
585 x 614 x 1480 mm
Wheelie bin compatible
670 x 770 x 1600 mm
Wheelie bin compatible
태양광패널만 사용
태양광/AC 전원 모두
핸즈프리 호퍼와 페달
일반쓰레기용 투입구
재활용을 위한 두개의 원형 투입구
솔직히 쓰레기통이 고객 만족을 높여줄지 아무도 기대하지 않았습니다. 스마트 태양광 압축 쓰레기통으로 저희 고객은 이제 쇼핑에 집중하며 더 쾌적한 백화점 분위기의 쇼핑을 즐길 수 있게 되었습니다. 우리는 영업시간 중 고객들에게 최대한 불편함을 주지 않기를 원했고 20개 이상의 클린큐브 설치 후 영업시간 중 전혀 쓰레기 수거를 하지 않아도 되게 되었습니다. 바로 우리가 찾던 것이죠.
롯데백화점 영업부장
기존쓰레기통 400개를 클린큐브 144개로 교체하여 운영해보니 폐기물 수거비용이 86% 감소하였으며 이전보다 공공장소가 훨씬 청결해졌습니다. 폐기물 수거 인력들은 모니터링 시스템의 사용이 편리하다 느끼고있고 훨씬 효율적으로 일을 할 수 있게 되었습니다. 모두에게 좋은거죠!
고려대학교 캠퍼스시설관리부
The CleanCUBE provides many benefits:
3G telecommunication is used to send and receive signals from the CleanCUBE. All data is collected and organized so end users can optimize operations. A global telecommunication partnership enables our units to have access around the world.
CleanCUBEs are great for locations with high-foot traffic where trash overflow is common, such as a city’s business districts, college campuses, shopping centers, tourist attractions, sports stadiums, etc.
In addition to the solar-powered model, we also provide a hybrid model that uses both solar and AC power. Once the CleanCUBE is plugged in, there are no limitations to its power usage. Installation sites include airports, shopping malls, transit stations, etc
평균적으로 하루 4시간 태양광 충전을 2~3일 하면 완전충전됩니다.
Fully charged, the CleanCUBE can function up to 4 weeks on battery. Results may vary according to compaction frequency and telecommunication signal strength, and the use of optional features (i.e. wifi router, etc.).
The CleanCUBE comes in 3 different sizes:
In general, the CleanCUBE’s lifespan ranges from 7-8 years and the battery typically lasts 3-4 years. Results may vary depending on usage, environmental conditions, and maintenance.
At installation, the CleanCUBE is typically bolted to the ground in public spaces. It also comes installed with GPS so that users can monitor its location. For parts susceptible to vandalism, corrosion or breakdown, we use anti-theft screws and temper proof materials such as stainless steel and polycarbonate covers.
We recommend that the battery be replaced every 3-4 years and that the solar panel’s polycarbonate cover be wiped clean whenever it looks dirty.
CleanCUBE is compatible with standard 120L & 240L MGB/wheelie bins and can generally hold as much as 600-800 Litres (158 – 211 Gallons). The weight of the compacted trash can be quite heavy and varies between 20-25 kgs (44–55 lbs). It is for this reason that our proprietary design accommodates standard wheelie bins for safe and convenient removal of trash. The compaction power can also be adjusted if the weight of compacted trash becomes too heavy for workers.
이큐브랩의 클린 큐브는 동북아시아, 동남아시아, 유럽, 스칸디나비아, 중동, 오세아니아 지역에서 볼 수 있으며, 이큐브랩의 지역 파트너사는 이곳에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 특정 지역에서 이큐브랩의 파트너가 되는 것에 관심이 있으시다면 이곳을 눌러주세요.
When our clients first purchase our products, we provide extensive training and product manuals for maintenance and operation. During the warranty period, we provide free-of-charge technical support (warranty policy may differ depending on client’s region). After the warranty period, we try to provide the same level of support based on our customer service focused philosophy. For more information, please inquire about the warranty policy.
We offer various configurations to meet the different needs of our clients. Please contact one our distributors in your region or contact us directly.